Longlines Watches

Longlines slogan - Elegance is Attitude fits not only with these gorgeous watches but also perfectly describes our heroines of the skies!


The 4 essential instruments for flying are airspeed indicator, compass, altimeter and lastly - an accurate timepiece!

Since 1888 Longlines have been involved in high-precision timekeeping. They functioned as official timekeeper for F1 for a decade  

Longlines became associated with exploring for the first time in 1899 when it equipped Prince Luigi Amedeo of Savoie, Duke of the Abruzzi, in his Arctic expedition.

In 1919 it was named the official supplier for International Aeronautical Federation and develops highly accurate and reliable navigation instruments for use by aviation pioneers – used in timing many of the records set during these times.

After completing the first solo flight across the Atlantic in 1927, pilot, Charles Lindbergh approached Longlines with a navigational instrument designed by himself. Bringing to life the Lindbergh Hour Angle watch, it helped aviators calculate longitude which, when combined with their latitude, gives them the exact geographical situation when used in conjunction with a sextant and nautical almanac.

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